Music publicist and cultural historian Pavel Klusák read at ARM last year. These are the Norwegian music albums that Pavel thinks are worth listening to.
Directed by Josef Krajbich. The trailer uses footage from the 1948 film Farmer — Fishermen directed by Ronald Craigen. The present-day footage was shot by David Konečný.
Karel Veselý was born in 1976 in Znojmo. He is a music publicist and prose writer. "Metal is both faith and law," reads the annotation of his latest title. "The main character [...] lives by it, even if the world around him has slightly different rules. Should he conform, or is it okay not to conform and follow his own rules? How does one view the world through the gloomy fog of bleak black metal? And can music change the world?" Here are ten Norwegian metal albums that Karl says you shouldn't miss ...